Saturday, October 13, 2007


Hi everyone, today is Saturday and my buddy Spence came over to see me. He pretends like he doesn't like me, but I know he really adores me, he's just not man enough to admit it.

We had fun today, he tried to hide under the hood of sweatshirt and wouldn't take a picture with me, but Mommy is so smart she was able to put us together anyway.... He hasn't gotten over my poopy episide and won't give me kisses right now. Soon he will forget and when he does I will kiss him all over...

Well gotta, go take my nap.

Love to all


Thursday, October 11, 2007


Hi Everyone,

I hope your day was better than mine. Everything fell apart when mommy was getting ready for work. First she took me outside 3 times so I could go poopy.

This was no problem for me, but my mommy becomes annoyed when I don't do my poopy all at once! Hey mom, ya ever hear the word constipation?

At least she put on my puffer vest because it became really cold and my teeth were chattering. Don't you just love my vest? It is soooo cute, brown with pink trim. I think it's sweet!

Well, right when mommy was putting on her makeup I jumped up on the couch, it's the coolest trick, but I am so afraid to jump down and then Uh Oh..., I needed to Poopy again and mommy was not in the room.

Well, I poopied on the couch and tried to get rid of the evidence by eating it !!! My mommy wigged out on me, I wish daddy were here, he would would have told mommy to 'Just Relax'. I hear him tell her that all the time. Sometimes it makes her mad.

Next thing I know, I was being put in Jail before the normal time. Id like to see her hold it when ya gotta go. Hmmmm

Just as I thought it couldn't get worse, when mommy was at work I had another accident with the poopy in my cage and when she came home, mommy went postal on me. She gave me two baths and scrubbed me so hard my skin hurts.

All I got for dinner was white rice. I think I have a bit of irritable bowel syndrome and my mommy has just a plain old case of Irritable. I may be needing to call Autie Patti and Uncle Tim, maybe they can calm Mommy down. She is so uptight sometimes.

Well, I am off to try and make up with Mommy. Thank goodness Daddy comes home tomorrow, I am sure he will understand. My sister Christina told me I need to learn to go potty on the potty? Obviously she hasn't realized my tush is sooo small I would fall in, what on earth is she thinking.

Love to all


Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Hi all,

I very tired today, I played a lot last night and I am simply exhausted.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Good Evening

Good news everyone, my Auntie Susan did a great job today! I am sooo excited this means she gets another try tomorrow. I am sure glad my Auntie Susan lives near by...

Mommy said she can tell Auntie Susan was cuddling me, because I smell like her perfume....Now we both smell really good...

Well, gotta go play... Ta Ta...

Talk to you soon...

Love to all


Auntie Susan's 2nd Chance

Good Morning evryone!

Well today is a big day.. Mommy is giving Auntie Susan her 2nd chance at babysitting me. Let me fill you in on what happened week one when I was adopted.

Auntie Susan was supposed to come over and let me out around 3:00 PM one day. Well she got that part down, no problem! The trouble began when Auntie Susan put me back in my cage. Mom came home around 5:30 to find my cage open, and I was missing. I was soooooooo scared, this place is huge. I mean gosh I was only 3.8 lbs....

Mommy freaked out!! She couldn't find me until I wiggled enough so she could see I was stuck under the couch cushions.. I was so relieved when she found me, I thought I was going to never be found. It was so hot under those cushions for over 2 hours... When Mom found me, I got so excited that I piddled on the couch.

Who ever thought Mommy could get so bent out of shape over one little piddle on a couch.. Boy, I'll never do that again.

Auntie Susan came over for remedial babysitting training yesterday. I hope she really paid attention, because I don't want another couch incident! Hmmm on second thought, this could be fun messing with Auntie Susan, if I could only figure out how that cage opened up last time.......

Have a good day

Love to all


Sunday, October 7, 2007

Welcome to my Blog....

Hi everyone, and welcome to my new blog... It sure was nice of my mommy to set this up for me. Life has been great since my Mommy Karen and Daddy Eddie adopted me.

My first week was great. I got to go shopping with my Auntie Susan, who loves to shop just as much as me. Together we picked out a beautiful pink flower bed, collar, food dish and cage. She just loves me oh so much.

After being in my new home only 5 days, mom and dad took me to stay at my Cousin Sammy's. That was awesome! Sammy and my aunt Karen taught me how to go down the stairs, sleep in my cage and even how to hide all my toys!! Oh boy is life going to be good....

When Mommy and Daddy picked me up, I got to go for a ride in Daddy's corvette. This was wild...... Daddy needs to watch the speed limit, not sure if Mommy could see how fast he was going, but I had a good view of all those dials on the dashboard....Daddy's got a thing for speed.

Well, gotta go eat, play and take a nap. Please come and visit my site, Mommy will be posting updates regularly.

Love to all
