Monday, October 8, 2007

Auntie Susan's 2nd Chance

Good Morning evryone!

Well today is a big day.. Mommy is giving Auntie Susan her 2nd chance at babysitting me. Let me fill you in on what happened week one when I was adopted.

Auntie Susan was supposed to come over and let me out around 3:00 PM one day. Well she got that part down, no problem! The trouble began when Auntie Susan put me back in my cage. Mom came home around 5:30 to find my cage open, and I was missing. I was soooooooo scared, this place is huge. I mean gosh I was only 3.8 lbs....

Mommy freaked out!! She couldn't find me until I wiggled enough so she could see I was stuck under the couch cushions.. I was so relieved when she found me, I thought I was going to never be found. It was so hot under those cushions for over 2 hours... When Mom found me, I got so excited that I piddled on the couch.

Who ever thought Mommy could get so bent out of shape over one little piddle on a couch.. Boy, I'll never do that again.

Auntie Susan came over for remedial babysitting training yesterday. I hope she really paid attention, because I don't want another couch incident! Hmmm on second thought, this could be fun messing with Auntie Susan, if I could only figure out how that cage opened up last time.......

Have a good day

Love to all



Patti and Tim said...

Boy, I hope that Daddy never finds out you piddled on the couch!

Patti and Tim said...

Hey Sasha,
Forget the white dog! I think I want one just like you!!

Anonymous said...

We are so thrilled Karen and Ed are so happy with you. I knew they'd find a spot in their heart for a new pup. You are too cute!!
Pam and John

Unknown said...

Well Sasha, Christine and I think you are so adorable. However so does my dog, Cooper. We feel that you are a little to crazy for a perfect hound dog. Maybe when you get released from jail you can give him a bark. Karen, I know that position in Charlotte, Nc is probably filled but I was curious if you could send me any additional information regarding a similar position. We love the dog and look forward to hearing from you guys.