Thursday, October 11, 2007


Hi Everyone,

I hope your day was better than mine. Everything fell apart when mommy was getting ready for work. First she took me outside 3 times so I could go poopy.

This was no problem for me, but my mommy becomes annoyed when I don't do my poopy all at once! Hey mom, ya ever hear the word constipation?

At least she put on my puffer vest because it became really cold and my teeth were chattering. Don't you just love my vest? It is soooo cute, brown with pink trim. I think it's sweet!

Well, right when mommy was putting on her makeup I jumped up on the couch, it's the coolest trick, but I am so afraid to jump down and then Uh Oh..., I needed to Poopy again and mommy was not in the room.

Well, I poopied on the couch and tried to get rid of the evidence by eating it !!! My mommy wigged out on me, I wish daddy were here, he would would have told mommy to 'Just Relax'. I hear him tell her that all the time. Sometimes it makes her mad.

Next thing I know, I was being put in Jail before the normal time. Id like to see her hold it when ya gotta go. Hmmmm

Just as I thought it couldn't get worse, when mommy was at work I had another accident with the poopy in my cage and when she came home, mommy went postal on me. She gave me two baths and scrubbed me so hard my skin hurts.

All I got for dinner was white rice. I think I have a bit of irritable bowel syndrome and my mommy has just a plain old case of Irritable. I may be needing to call Autie Patti and Uncle Tim, maybe they can calm Mommy down. She is so uptight sometimes.

Well, I am off to try and make up with Mommy. Thank goodness Daddy comes home tomorrow, I am sure he will understand. My sister Christina told me I need to learn to go potty on the potty? Obviously she hasn't realized my tush is sooo small I would fall in, what on earth is she thinking.

Love to all


1 comment:

Patti and Tim said...

Don't worry Sasha! Auntie Patti and Uncle Tim will come get you if Mommy and Daddy get too irritated! Uncle Tim came in today and FINALLY said we may need another dog.