Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy Holidays

Hi Everybody & Happy Holidays !

I have been very busy since my last posting. I started school two weeks ago. Mommy takes me every Saturday morning. So far I have learned how to come when mommy calls my name, walk properly on a leash , sit on command and how to get off of something when Mommy says off. Mommy dressed me up and put a pretty pink bow in my hair for school. Isn't it beautiful?

After my first day of school I was so excited that I came home and went crazy playing. Mommy was so proud of me. There are 3 other doggies in my class and can you believe it, another one is named Sasha too!! She is huge black lab and not doing so good in school. I think she going to need remedial classes or special education. So far I am at the top of my class and Mommy practices with me all the time at home.

Well the weather has been cold and rainy. On one of the rainy days, I was bored so I decided to watch Daddy and one of his friends tear down our deck. All of sudden I started to hear all kinds of noises and before I knew it the deck was gone! Daddy and his friend were laughing really hard. Mommy wasn't laughing. I think she thought Daddy was going to pull down the entire side of the house. He and his friend get carried away with the tractor at times.

After my 2nd week of school I was exhausted. We had to practice walking on a leash. All the other doggies in class have really long legs and it took me triple the amount of steps to complete the same course. When we got home I played soccer with Daddy. I was so tired that I snuck away from Mommy and took a nap on Daddys pillow.

Mommy has talked to me about getting to meet Tim and Patti sometime next year. I can't wait, every time Mommy or Daddy talk with them they are always laughing. I can't wait to meet them. Aren't they a cute couple?

Well Happy Holidays to all and have a happy and healthy New Year! Love to all
