Thursday, October 18, 2007

Daddy Troubles

Good Morning Everyone, Sorry I haven't been on-line for a few days, but Daddy and I got into a bit of trouble. Daddy and I have lots of fun together, that was, until Monday, when he came home from work and he didn't follow Mommy's instructions!!

I could hear Mommy tell daddy to keep me on a SHORT leash so he could do some work in the furnace room next to the office. But daddy loves me so much he let me have a LONG leash and all those cords in office looked like fun. When Daddy busted me chewing on the AC adapter for Mommy's PC, he was soooo nervous. You should have seen him searching for the electrical tape (you know the black kind). Daddy told me all would be fine and not to worry.

Yeah right! All was fine until my sister Christina comes home and wants to use the PC. Daddy wigged out on her asking her why she was using the battery to the PC and she was like 'Dahhh' cause Im using the PC.

Daddy told Christina to quickly unplug it cause I had chewed the cord and it was crackling and getting hot! Can you believe my daddy threw me under the bus!!

Then little miss tattle tale had to force daddy to fess up to mommy and the night was not fun.

All is much better now, mommy's new part for her PC arrived yesterday and everyone is back to being happy. Mommy told me this morning that daddy is going to be on restriction. I wounder if that means he gets put in Jail like I do every day... Hmmmmmmm

Well time to go, have a good day

Love to all



Patti and Tim said...

Are you having trouble living with these 3 women?? If so send Sasha to us!

Patti and Tim said...

Why do you put this dog on a leash at all when you are working. I would just her into your back pocket.
I do not know what you two do but all your animals have a feast on anything but dog food. I have a few old shoes I could send you to help feed her.

Anonymous said...

huh still no mention of meeting your big brother...


